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Mostrando entradas de julio 27, 2011

Currulao y Son Sureño, en Nariño

Colaboración especial de: Elizabeth Obando Paz   - N.M.I.T-  (Northen Melbourne Institute of Tafe) Australia. 2011 This essay will firstly provide some general historical, geographical and cultural information about Colombia, before discussing the musical and cultural influences of the Spanish, Africans, and Indigenous with reference to both general characteristic of the music played by descendents of these different groups such as rhythms and instrumentation, and specific forms that they have created. Thirdly, this paper will discuss the specific music and culture of the different regions of Colombia, demonstrating both the great variety of forms found throughout the different regions of the country and their relationships with the particular people of each region. This will follow into a more detailed discussion of the southern state of Narino, as it provides an excellent example of the variety of musical forms found throughout Colombia and how they are strongly related